It meant something

The birds do it, the bees do it and all the mammals on the planet do it. The reason we exist is to procreate which entitles all creatures to sex. While I have no problems with sex, I do, however, have a problem with the way people talk about it. Sure, you might just be doing it because you are physically attracted or you just had the option of a one night stand or you just want a ‘relationship’ with no strings attached. You might be having sex because you love someone or you lust for them or you are married to them. When you explain your sexual experiences to other people, why does it have to be “it just happened”, “It meant nothing”, and “it was mechanical”.

For starters, there is nothing that happens in your sphere of existence that means nothing. Everything we do everyday means something. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t be doing it or even be inclined to think about it. As humans who have more than two brain cells to put 2 and 2 together, why are we busy explaining to people that it meant nothing. Are you really trying to say that you are a human being with no intellect and can be robotic in an act of passion?

The biggest difference between a robot and a human is that we feel emotions that a robot doesn’t feel. How in your right mind can you make “things just happen” or make it mean nothing? At that point in your life, it does mean something. You either want it or you don’t. And if you did want it, please be brave enough to accept that it did mean something and that maybe it doesn’t mean anything anymore. But if your brain has that memory, it DID mean something. Period.

Your ever loving,

Ignorant god.

Music listened to:

La Sitiera, Killing me softly, Tabu : Omara Portuondo, Flor de amor

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